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Flood Water Contamination: We’re Here to Help

Due to contaminant sources such as agricultural and industrial runoff, sewage and septic systems, toxic waste sites, and stagnant bodies, floodwater events present numerous possibilities for infection or contamination.


Sometimes teeming with infectious organisms from e. coli and salmonella to typhoid or tetanus, floodwater requires careful clean up. Coupled with waste, chemicals, or hazardous agents, contamination through abrasions or ingestion, a contamination with flood water can result in a range of symptoms. These can include nausea, fever, flu-like symptoms, headaches, fatigue, rashes, and muscle aches.


Floodwater clean up presents a unique issue for emergency responders. Absolute care must be taken at all times to maintain perfect hygiene and protective measures against contamination or infection. All water must be assumed to be unsafe for consumption or even skin contact until properly tested. Extreme caution is a requirement throughout the clean up process, as the dangers to residents, workers, and even the home are serious.


You can trust that during a floodwater event, Restore-One will be ready to tackle the challenge. Through every moment of clean up and remediation, we will hold safety as our first priority.